From our Music Director,  Rev. Gary Jon Cooper

It happened shortly before the events that took me to the hospital.  It was a "blue Monday" the week after Thanksgiving and I had just put up the Christmas tree by myself, lights and decorations, the works.  How Evelyn loved that and, of course, thats what generated the blues.  I'm not ashamed to tell you, because I am simply joining you a very human experience, I sat near the tree, red-eyed and wet-cheeked, trying to remind myself that these feelings would pass, so just go with the flow, and fake it till you make it.

Then a little voice came into my head.  It was 'the still, small voice" that I have learned to recognize comes not from inside my head, but into my head from the outside. "What do you tell your cancer care-receivers when they are in the place you are right now?  How many times have you said, you need to get into doing something for others right now!"
Well... it so happened that we had just finished the baking of the Annual Gingerbread Boys for the Food Bank  (the family has baked more than 400 cookies for ourselves and others).  This was another of Evelyn's Christmas favorites.  So those Food Bank cookies sat waiting to be iced. 

Out they came, out came the icing, and four hours later they had their icing, raisins and were hardened enough to go into their plastic bags and into the freezer to get to church in time to go out on the 15th of December distribution.

So here's why I tell you this story.  We've reorganized the Bell Choir and Lent is just around the corner for the Chancel Choir Singers.  It has always been good advice, a lot of problems are made easier by doing something for others.   We need you, and I suspect that you need us.  No harping or preaching here.  You have the picture, you have the invitation.  15 of your fellow BPC make an awful lot of music for their small number and have found an activity worth being regularly involved in.   Done.  

Gary Jon

Bell and Chancel Choirs rehearsals are on Thursday nights. Come and join us!

Fall Practice begins in October.  Chancel choir begins rehearsals on Thusday, October 4th,  Bell choir on Thursday, October 11th.

  • 7:00 pm. ▬ Bell Choir
  • 7:45 pm. ▬ Chancel Choir


  • Usher/Greeter Schedule

    Forget if you're ushering or greeting??  Misplaced the email with the schedule??  Well all you need to do is download the 2019 July thru December schedule pdf here (91 KB)

  • Liturgist Schedule

    Don't remember when you're scheduled to be the Liturgist at Sunday Worship??    The 2019 July thru December schedule can be found   pdf here. (31 KB)


Upcoming Events

13 Mar
Sewing Circle
Date 10:00 am - 11:00 am
15 Mar
Food Pantry Distribution
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Our Food Pantry is restricted to Brentwood Borough residents only. You must provide proof of residency (utility bill, copy of lease, etc) when registering for benefits.

Please call the Food Pantry at 412-882-6035 for information.
17 Mar
Music & Worship Committee
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
17 Mar
17 Mar
Executive Committee Meeting
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm
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